Publish and Distribute
When it comes to launching your project to market, being in the right place at the right time is key. We’ll help you assess your publishing and distribution strategy to deliver you profits and reach your target market.
The gaming sector is flooded with a variety of products on a range of platforms. While the rapidly growing industry is great news for the size of your potential audience, it presents challenges with making sure your game stands out. Our publish and distribute services are aimed at businesses that are ready to take their project to the market and want to give it the best possible chance of success.
How will we help you? Well, we can act as advisors during the publishing process, recommending tailored solutions for you, connect you with an extensive network of industry professionals, and even localise your content, making it ready for a whole new demographic. The blend of skills, insights, and sector experience we can offer our clients can benefit ambitious firms during the publishing phase.
The publishing process of a project can be intimidating but we’ve got a huge amount of experience in this area and can give you the advice you need.
We’ll work with you to not only identify your options but to recommend solutions that take your situation into consideration, from on-boarding to gold master. We’ll also operate on your behalf, reviewing agreements, including those from contractors and distribution networks, and marketing opportunities. Combined, our skills can ensure your publishing is a success.

Partner Outreach
Your partners can play a pivotal role in the success of your project. Fortunately, we’ve built up an extensive and solid network of publishers, developers, and service providers over decades of operating in the industry. We’ll be able to find you partners that match your business’ needs.
When you work with us, we’ll identify the potential collaborators that can add value to your project. We’ll connect you with new partners for request for proposal (RFP) opportunities or to partners in games, advertising, and television and film for RFP. We can use our experience to not only connect you with opportunities but review outgoing submissions and offer advice on creating and maintaining successful partnerships.
Localisation and Testing
Whether you have an in-house localisation team or are looking to outsource we can help you. The localisation and testing process is a crucial step within the project process to maximise success. We can work with your in-house team to provide management and training on localisation, testing, and quality assurance (QA), allowing you to focus on what matters – creating an incredible game.
If you don’t have an in-house team, we can also use our network and professional relationships to vet and match a localisation partner for you, giving you access to a wider audience.

Contact Us
Why not get in touch today and see how we can help you with your latest project.